Saturday 26 March 2011

happy birthday cassette!!! :)

wishing u a veryyy happy b'day sweety!!!
 i dont know what to say for this fabulous gal whom i have met four years back....u were n u always will be my bestest friend n i m soooo glad to have u in my life...
college would hav been incomplete without you... ur jokes ur punches n ur on the spot songsss...m gonna mis it all... :(  today is ur bday hope not the last with us i just pray to be with u at accenture :)
 words are not enuf to describe u shruti u have been a true friend to me...always helped me..can never imagine what i would have done without u and not to forget U ARE MY LUCKY CHARM....
i pray that u get all what u want in ur life from job to a good boy friend... :D n be happy alwayssssss inshallah!!! :)

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